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I'd like to thank Vernessa, for showing me possibilities and for supporting me throughout the journey. Your warm approach is comfortable and making me at ease everytime.

In October 2020 Adji and I were devastated to experience the loss of Una, our stillborn first daughter.

It happened at the height of the pandemic, and it wasn't an easy pregnancy either.

I was always full of fear and anxiety.

For those who know me well, I've battled panic disorder for years, and although it has gotten better, the loss of Una made me question my wellbeing. I lost my confidence, I lost my self trust.

A good friend of mine Arya, suggested for me to reach out to a coach in Singapore who specialises in pregnancy loss.

I looked her up, and was in shocked by her own story. listened to one of her IG live, and I cried. I get her, and I felt she gets me too. I really want to reach out, but I'm scared. Scared of what's going to come out of the sessions, scared of facing my reality. But my days has not been easy since the loss. I even quit my job to focus on myself and to get better.

So in early 2022 | finally reach out to Vernessa Chuah of Mindful Space.

Her first email touched me Sa she said,

"Thank you for willing to show up for yourself even when you feel uncertain about it, this is strength." Strength indeed.

The first session was tough, I don't know what to say, I can't express myself well, it's a challenge! Aside from it being in English it is actually not easy to speak your own heart. Thankfully Vernessa is very patient with me, and really took the time to get to know my trueself.

Every session is difficult, to be honest. I always feel exhausted afterwards. But it helped me, tremendously.

Enlightenment after enlightenment | got from each sessions, I get to know myself better, things that are never accounted for gets the limelight, and the most important, slowly I gained my self trust back.

What was pregnancy loss coaching at first, turned into grief recovery sessions, as Vernessa saw that my need is not only for the loss of Una, but beyond that.

My progress was apparent. I no longer questioned and blame myself for what I am today, and especially to what happened with Una. I celebrate her visit instead.

It was bittersweet.

I know there are lots of you who experienced this, and it might not be easy for you too. It does take courage to open up, to speak, and even to feel the emotions. We tend to surpress, we tend to take light of things. I'm sharing my experience because I want you to know that it's okay to feel emotional about your loss, it's okay to struggle. For me to post this, is not easy too. But as what Vernessa said, this means strength. Please go easy on yourself, because your wellbeing is what matter the most.

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Arum Dyastari


Mustered the courage to attend the Pregnancy Loss Retreat last Fri.

I was finally able to sleep through the night without any dreams in these 3 years ever since I lost my baby at Wk 32.

Feeling hopeful for my healing process.

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Ching Yong Ling


The baby loss awareness event is something that has helped me the most. To know that I am not alone in this and that there are plenty of women out there who went through so much yet are sharing their stories.

I am grateful to have experienced this moment with all of you who gave me hope and support.

The event was smooth and helped us in every aspect.

Thank you so much.

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Miss J

Jan 2023


Thank you Vernessa for inviting me to the previous retreat in Dec 2021. The session has so many benefits for me.

I am not saying I am 100% well but this has helped me in my healing journey :

  • truly helped to feel lighter and helped my grief to let go & transform
  • having been in the same session with the other mothers is unexpectedly most beneficial

Fellow mums or anyone who's going through loss, I ask of you as fellow mum to leverage on this blessing to help you in your journey. We are fortunate to have such resource in Singapore.

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Jean Poon

Mar 2022


The last 3 years have been very eventful and painful:

  • 4 rounds of IVF
  • I pregnancy termination at 18 weeks pregnancy due to chromosome abnormalities in 2019
  • 1 pregnancy loss at 7 weeks in Sept 2021
  • husband went through 2 rounds of brain surgery

But I am grateful that despite all these, there's always someone as an expert and act as a good resource for me to recover. One of whom is Vernessa Chuah.

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Jean Poon

Mar 2022


The session was held in a very comfortable environment where I felt safe.

It was in a space where I felt I could be vulnerable and it's okay.

Thank you for letting me join the session and helping me grow stronger and braver.

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Dec 2021


Dear Vernessa,

I just want to say a big thank you again.

After the pregnancy loss retreat, I was finally able to sleep through the night without any dreams in three years.

I am hopeful for my healing process.

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Rong Ling

Dec 2021


The session has made me realize that I'm not alone in the journey.

I met many fabulous people in the session who can empathise all the many emotions and confusions I went through.

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Admiring you having the heart to use your own experience to help others! It's helpful attending the pregnancy loss circle for me esp. knowing I'm not alone and others are also struggling like me ...

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Dec 2021


Thank you so much for holding space for me! To be around others who went through the same feels comforting, and strangely healing as well. I think it's a start for me to begin processing this journey, cos honestly I think I felt I just been spinning.

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Dec 2021


I attended the "Art & Mastery of Long-lasting Relationship" workshop organised by Mindfulness Space last year. It was a game changer for me. The centering practice taught by the coaches was so powerful. I feel connected and rooted. It makes me feel like I have a third eye seeing things even in the midst of crisis. It saves me a lot of tears and heartaches! I benefit so much in all areas of my life esp my relationships and my health. When I feel triggered, frightened, stressed or even constipated, I practice my centering and it brings me peace. I feel safe once again! With that, I am able to build on expanding my emotional safety to my loved ones and people around me. It is so powerful. Life gets better, happier and of course, smoother even for my bowels :) Thank you Mindfulness Space and all the coaches. You are amazing!

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Virginia Tai

Feb 2021


I got to know Vernessa from another webinar we both attended, where she shared her unique personal life experience overcoming various challenges and her holistic approach towards family, kids and relationship-building. She came across as being so positive, sincere, warm, optimistic, brimming with sunshiney kind of cheerfulness, and yet so gentle, affirming and nurturning. She brings all these awesome qualities into the speakers she personally handpicks and the wholesome, relationship-enhancing and family-building programmes that she personally curates.

I love how she continually seeks ways to add value to her speakers' presentations, eg through role plays. I also love her events cover a wide spectrum of topics - ranging from relationships, to health, to anti-bullying, etc. My kids also loves the dancercise classes she co-hosts with Teacher Nashwa! Our family highly recommends Mindful Space.

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Carol Mei Mei Lim

Dec 2020


I attended the expert chat by Marc. It was useful. Marc spoke about ways that the child can help oneself by speaking up and trying to come up with ways to overcome the bully, e.g looking for allies drives home the point about building our children to be creative and will be good to arm ourselves with such knowledge to build our children...Thanks Marc for sharing and Vernessa for organising the chat! :)

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Lauretta Low

Oct 2020


Through joining a couple of the online sessions, I've learnt and picked up new knowledges which benefited myself and most importantly my whole family. What I like about the sessions are that they encouraged 2-way communication rather than the traditional talks. It's very interactive and informative at the same time. Looking forward to more interesting topics. Thank You Mindful Space for helping us parents!

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Joey Lum

Apr 2020


We have been working with Vernessa and the Mindful Space team for our safe conversations for mums sessions. The experience has been positive throughout. Every little thing is provided for and Vernessa helps to ensure that event logistics are smooth from registration to end of event so that we could concentrate on the actual sessions. A great partner to have for events for sure! - Yasmin, Away from Mum Guilt

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Yasmin Begum