How to Manage Events

Managing events effectively on our website involves several important steps and fields that need to be carefully filled out to ensure clarity and functionality.

Last Updated

10/4/2024 17:01

Fields Explanation

Event Name

Enter the name of the event as it will appear on the website. Keep the name concise and avoid mentioning specific age ranges to prevent redundancy.


This is the unique URL path for the event. Keep it descriptive yet brief, e.g., for a Halloween camp titled "How to Magic Potions", use a slug like 2024-halloween-camp-magic-potions. This helps both users and search engines understand the content of the page quickly.

Acuity Appointment Type ID

Set the Appointment Type ID of this event from Acuity.  Based on this ID, the schedule will be automatically attached to this event.

Where to find the Appointment Type ID


As the booking links on an event pages are generated based on the schedule, for any classes with recurring time slots, do not include multiple Appointment IDs as this will cause the booking button to not have the correct booking url.

Only include multiple Appointment IDs separated by commas e.g. 1234, 5678, 91011 for events with multiple separate one-off appointment types.

Audience Category

Select the target demographic for the event such as Adults, Kids, or Families. For events suitable for families that also target kids, select both Kids/Teens and Families. Exclusive family events should not select Kids/Teens.

Audience Age Toggles

Use these toggles to specify appropriate age categories for kids or family events. Selecting the right age ranges is crucial as it affects how events are displayed and categorized on the website. For adult events, age ranges are not needed.

Depending on the combination of age range selected, the impact is;

  • Which events are displayed on which page
  • How the age category is presented to the visitors.  For example if all age ranges are selected, the event will be presented as “For Kids of All Ages”, if only “Baby” is selected, it will be presented as “For Babies”, and if both “Baby” and “Toddler” is selected, it will be presented as “For Babies and Toddlers”

Event Type

Choose the type of event you are creating, such as Class, Holiday Camp, or Workshop. Placement on the website is determined by this selection, e.g., Support Groups appear on /support-groups, Teacher Training on /adult-yoga.


Indicate if the event recurs (e.g., Monthly, Weekly). This information helps define how the event is presented to visitors.

If an event is a one-off, do not select anything.

Event Type combined with Recursion is responsible for creating the "Weekly Class", "Monthly Workshop" etc labels on the events.

Full Event Description

This is the complete description of the event, detailing what participants can expect.

Event Main Image

Upload the primary image for the event. This image is used in thumbnails and as the first image visitors see on the event page.

Please use the Image Prep tool to process all images for the website.

Event Gallery

Upload a full gallery of images related to the event.

Do Not Re-Upload the image that was set as the main image.

Event Promotional Video

If there is a promotional video, paste the YouTube link here to include it on the event page.

Event Location

Specify the location of the event. This will be displayed alongside booking details on the event page.

FAQ Categories

Select relevant FAQ categories for the event. Refer to How to Manage FAQs for more details on these categories.

Enrolment Options

If the event is tied to a specific product (e.g., class pack), select an existing product or create a new one.

Featured Event

Mark this option if you want the event featured on the homepage until it concludes.

Featured Event Order

Determine the sequence in which featured events are displayed on the homepage.

Drop-In Price

Set a default price if the event offers drop-in attendance options.